Friday, December 29, 2006


As a graduate student, I find it best not to ask questions that begin like "What if..." and end like, well, anything...

I was just marinating the idea that perhaps I ought to put a time limit on graduation, PhD in hand or not. Perhaps I should make a deal, a very official deal(usually made official by shot-gunning a Coors Light with Doc Bucket), that after 5 years if I am not convinced that graduation is DEFINITE by the next 6 months, well, thats it. Enough. Finito.

Bark bark, little dog. Bark bark. Its nice to sound tough occasionally.

Alysa at school might scold me by calling me a scurvy sea-dog, and tell me to walk the plank.

You know, what would that entry look like if written in Jive? Here it is, and I am not responsible for the translation of some english into potentially offensive language. This is jive as found on Gizoogle.

"As a graduate student, I find it bizzy not ta ask questions thizzay begin like "What if..." n end like, wizzay anyth'n...

I was jiznust ballin' tha idea thiznat perhaps I ought ta put a time limit on graduation, PhD in hand or not . You gotta check dis shit out yo. Perhaps I should makes a deal, a vizzle official deal(usually made official by shot-gunn'n a Coors Light wit Doc Bucket), that afta 5 years if I am not convinced tizzy graduation is DEFINITE by tha niznext 6 months, wizzay thats it . I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. Enough. Finito . Aint no stoppin' this shit nigga.

Bark B-to-tha-izzark, shawty dog. Bark biznark. Its funky ass ta sound tough occasionally.

Alysa at schoo` might scold me by ridin' me a scurvy sea-dog, n tell me ta walk tha plank . Its just anotha homocide."

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