Friday, June 19, 2009

Rain, wind, waves... oh my.

"The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it."

~Patrick Young

Right on, Mr. Young.

The weather will not be ignored. Today was cold, windy, rainy and downright icky. The waves seemed smaller at first, but then as we swam further out it was the familiar 3 foot giant swells. Still, the swim feels good, almost fun. Now add the 2500 other lunatics thrashing all around me for instant, giant washing machine effect. Barf.

Still, I look forward to it.

Today I opened my race stuff and looked through my bags for race day. I changed the cleats on my bike shoes. I cleaned my bike chain one last time. I will lube it race morning before I am off. It was too wet today to ride, and even Jan just ran after our activities on-site. The weather was cruel today.

Still, I am excited to get out there and do triathlon for over 10 hours. Hopefully not 12. I am ridiculously excited to this race. I am just NOT excited about the weather forecast: 62 and rainy. Crap, it was better in SEATTLE!!!!!

I handed out around a hundred samples of Aquaphor today, even got booted from the area of the registration line when they saw me handing them out. Apparently, this activity is frowned upon, because nearby are vendor booths where companies pay primo coinage to have the opportunity to hand out stupid stuff. I didn't see anyone else capitalizing on the line of hundreds of tri-geeks, so I was just being entrepreneurial...

But the race director gave me a lecture so I left, and handed the rest out just as easily across the street in a popular parking lot. Good enough!

Well, its almost race-meeting time. I hate this. Its all a bunch of over-anxious, anal type-As in one big tent listening to a bunch of shit that really is not useful whatsoever. Oh well, as Brian would say.

One final thought is the value of planning ahead. This is a crazy chaotic mess if you have not thought through every minute at least once. And thank god for the ART tent (Active Release Therapy).

OK, enough. My battery is about dead which is a sign I need to turn this off. I will sleep well tonight. And I will sleep in a bit tomorrow. After all, its my last day before Ironman!!!!! Woooo hoooo!!!

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